Saturday, May 5, 2007

Should men stay alone after marriage???

Looks like all the women are here to know...hello there ..:)

After boarding the flight from Mumbai ...alone...of course

on a project deputation abroad...was feeling so disappointed

..did not put on the TV screen the entire flight... was

continuously thinking about whatever I have left behind...

the most important being my family !!! feeling very disturbed

..was it a right decision to take this call. well I had no choice

either... At home used to take things for granted ....when they

are away one really feels the pinch .

Emotionally I feel men are not that strong as the women

it is not home sickness.. it is that feeling of having people

whom you love being around you ..without which there is a sense

of emptiness within you ..I think men feel it more compared to

the women .. its always said that the men are stronger than the

women ..however it does not seem so .

Men i think are lazy home ..however when they the alone...

they are 10 out of 10 ..:) ..So i feel men should stay alone

for some time to realize it . However a very difficult way for

the men ...:)...poor thing..:)

anyways 3 weeks here ...first time into the kitchen !!!..

expert in making dal , chicken, rice kicdhi & the list goes on...

what say ? do post in your comments....


Sunita said...

I think they should stay before too and after for short whiles. Before marriage, so that they know sandwich is a perfect breakfast and not substitutes when we are lazy to cook and after to appreciate the ones that fill the void.

By the way, seems you are going great guns at cooking, chicken and all. B is gonna have some rest once the 'chef from London' is back :)

Bijoy said...

:)...sandwich nahi..just bread sometimes..the filler to make it a sandwich is at Tesco still..:)..if yu have not planned proper..

Cooking !!...if I only had all the masalas & yes also the utensils ,it would have been very tough for the Tarla dalals & Kapoors ..:)